The Rick Perry Factor....
Now, here's a man that, had (past tense) to honor a man how had his life (you can see it in his face that, he had it coming) taken and he GAVE his life, for a nation of folly... A foul would have set feet into a DEAD MAN's dream (it is TRUE that, he literally THOUGHT he see a day where we'd be equal but, the 14th amend ant didn't exactly make that possible.. .)
Perry, is looking to USE other's and if, it weren't for people like, supposed savor's (such as Kind) guy's, like this, would be in a field, picking cotton with the rest of use (e.g. general public).
People like this, doesn't look at 'industry' that, drove their family's to where they are, today. Just wait till his donation's dry up, their's something about a man that, doesn't know his 'place' in a society that, accepted all his problems, failure's, ect..
He'll retire with regrets just like Carter (believe it!)..
Business Findings & Political Manifesto' s
Poll Shows Rick Perry Surging Ahead Of GOP 2012 Pack
Now, here's a man that, had (past tense) to honor a man how had his life (you can see it in his face that, he had it coming) taken and he GAVE his life, for a nation of folly... A foul would have set feet into a DEAD MAN's dream (it is TRUE that, he literally THOUGHT he see a day where we'd be equal but, the 14th amend ant didn't exactly make that possible..
Perry, is looking to USE other's and if, it weren't for people like, supposed savor's (such as Kind) guy's, like this, would be in a field, picking cotton with the rest of use (e.g. general public).
People like this, doesn't look at 'industry' that, drove their family's to where they are, today. Just wait till his donation's dry up, their's something about a man that, doesn't know his 'place' in a society that, accepted all his problems, failure's, ect..
He'll retire with regrets just like Carter (believe it!)..
Business Findings & Political Manifesto'
Poll Shows Rick Perry Surging Ahead Of GOP 2012 Pack